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My contact details

Please find my details for contacting me. Best way to contact me is a call on my mobile or by e-mail.

From Janurary on, I will be available for new projects.

If you like to contact me, write or mail to the following address or give me a call. 

Postal address

- Oliver C. Tank -
Alte Landstraße 20
40489 Düsseldorf

N51° 17.386', E6° 44.342'


QRCode VCard OCToConsultPhone +49-211-6024322 (ggfs. Weiterleitung)

Fax +49-211-60224299

E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Skype octank


Save a VCF-Version on your PC to import details easily into all wellknown PIM (like Outlook) or onto your mobile. 

Visitenkarte Oliver C. Tank

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